Behind The Scenes of My New Studio

I don't know if you've ever tried working from home before, but it's harder than it looks - or at least it was for me. 
With our busy family and 2 clingy dogs, let's just say it was a little tricky getting into a good rhythm. 
But now, I've settled into my new studio and I can just breathe. I've got space to spread out and work, plan, dream, sketch and create. 
And now, more than 2 people can be in the studio at the same time! (Yes, that's how small my previous space was…)

These two months in the space have flown by and I am proud to say that the work I've created in this short time span is some of my most inspired work. 

Let me show you around.

The Office

Adam Trest Studio Tour

Adam Trest Studio Tour

The smallest room in the studio is definitely the busiest. Here is where I do the bulk of my planning, idea generation, and sketching. Something about these color drenched green walls and warm wood floors get the creative juices flowing in a way that I cannot explain. 

The Meeting Room 

Adam Trest Studio Tour

Adam Trest Studio Tour
Adam Trest Studio Tour


The front room of the studio is a dedicated meeting space. Here is where we talk and plan out all the exciting things that are coming up. We're not ready to share all of the details yet, but if you look closely you'll see some samples of products you'll be able to use in your home...

on the walls...

covering walls if you get what I'm saying...

The Studio

Adam Trest Studio Tour

 Adam Trest Studio Tour

I don't have a formal name that I call the space where I actually paint, so for continuity, we'll just call this the "Studio" I've got space to move around and work on multiple canvases at a time. I can really step back and look at collections as a whole. 

I like being able to see everything spread out. 

I am especially grateful for the space as I've been working on the largest collection I've ever done as I prepare for the Harding Art Show in Nashville Tennessee in May. It is truly an honor to be selected as an artist for this year's show. 

And the Best Part....

Adam Trest Studio Tour

Now, I have room to welcome people in. There's room to sit and get comfortable. I've seen art bring people together in more ways than one. And now, I'm thankful to have the space to do so. 

If you find yourself in Laurel, MS, schedule an appointment to come by the studio. I'd love to welcome you and show you what I'm working on. Let's drink coffee and talk about life and art. That sounds pretty nice, doesn't it?

It feels so good to see these walls and canvases filling up and I can happily share that every inch of this space is being used. My family and I are so grateful for this space and what we get to create here. It’s honestly all a dream come true.

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Are you going to paint anymore Peter and the wolf prints ?smaller ones my husband us a musician and that was my first introduction into his passion of music it would make a great gift

Kathy price

I want to send Adam a picture of his prints in my kitchen. I love them! How do I do that? Thanks!

Carol Thompson
Tyler, Texas

Carol Thompson

What a wonderful place to stretch and grow! I have your Creation prints and love them every day. Thank you so much for your dedication to your craft! Good luck in Nashville!

Nancy Williams

I love your art so much. Do you have any plans to create wallpaper from your work?

Paula Porter

Adam, congratulations on your new studio. I’ve been following your work via Home Town and your emails.
I have your beautiful prints hanging in my home. I’ve given your prints as gifts. (I appreciate how affordable, they are). The Lantern House was the perfect gift for a friend who moved with her family.
My favorite prints are the deer prints. As a little girl, I remember so vividly the first time I saw deer, one winter.
Your work and creativity is amazing. Continued success, health and happiness to you and your family.
Carolyn Malden

Carolyn Malden

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